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Deeply Rooted

Deeply Rooted is a community of Christ-followers seeking to be deeply rooted in the love of God, the Word of God, and the ways of Jesus.

Our purpose is to partner with the local church in making mature disciples of Jesus through prayer, biblical counseling and soul care, and spiritual formation. Together we faithfully use our unique gifts to love, serve, and equip one another as we seek to fulfill our part in the Body of Christ.


From time to time we gather to pray for specific needs and issues such as the persecuted church, our community, our government, local churches, and other impacting issues. We also offer individual prayer appointments. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities. 


As believers in Jesus Christ we are sojourners living in a foreign land; called and equipped to walk faithfully toward our eternal future. At times, the journey is hard and suffering is real. Biblical counselors and soul care providers have the privilege of walking alongside you in the journey through this temporary home, encouraging you to remain faithful to God who is always faithful to you, while resting in his steadfast love for you. As a fellow sufferer, saint, and sinner, a biblical counselor can be a compassionate guide pointing to the Word of Christ, that it may dwell richly in you as you choose to rejoice in the midst of suffering, keeping your eyes fixed on the grace of Christ, and walking according to His loving ways.


Anne-Marie Fort desires to see every believer walking in freedom and abundance as a
 mature disciple of Jesus. She wants to help believers be deeply rooted in the Word of God and joyfully living out their part in building up the Body of Christ in love. She recognizes that life is hard and we often get stuck.  Grief, fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, temptations, our own sin, and the sins of others produce legitimate suffering. Anne-Marie is honored to walk alongside people in hard seasons as an encourager, guide, and fellow disciple on the journey of following Christ. Anne-Marie has a variety of vocational experience in local government, leadership development, organizational effectiveness, and full-time local church ministry. She is currently a full-time student pursuing a Masters of Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary. She offers biblical counseling* as an intern under the supervision of Heather Nelson with Mountain View Christian Counseling in Greenville, South Carolina.


Anne-Marie is available for in-person counseling sessions in Jacksonvile, FL or virtual sessions.
Click here to request a free consultation or email Anne-Marie at 

Biblical counseling is not a licensed practice and is not the same as licensed mental healthcare.

Deeply Rooted Equipping Events
Discover opportunities to deepen your faith.

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NOTE: Some of the events listed on the calendar below are offered by various ministry partners.


These are some of our favorite books and resources. God has used them to impact our lives and we pray He'll do the same for you.
(No affiliation or promos here, just good ole fashioned recommendations.)


The work of Pete and his wife, Geri, have been life changing for us and many others. They go deep into the things of our spiritual walk offering books, trainings, and small group curriculum. We all have the opportunity to grow in our spiritual and emotional maturity to be effective disciple-makers. The EHS resources, help you take important first steps in your own spirituality, relationships, marriage, leadership, and church.


The work of Paul Tripp continues to impact our walk with Jesus. God used this devotional in particular to stir our affections for His Word and the Gospel Truth. Paul's words are so gospel-centered and to the point this devotional packs a punch in 10 minutes or less.

Available in Spanish as well! 


We've used the First15 devotionals from Denison Ministries for years. They are in-depth, relevant and gospel-centered. Originally delivered via email only, they are now also available as beautifully designed books and a daily podcast!

The Denison Forum also offers numerous other helpful resources connecting our faith to modern culture. 


This short book can open our eyes in a new way to the beauty of the gospel, the good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. It is powerful and yet simple. If you need a great understanding of the power of the gospel in your every day life, give this a read. If you need a daily remind of why the gospel changes everything, give this a read. If you are discouraged and need hope, give this a read. 


This book reminds us that discipleship is not instant, even though everything else around us may be. Through a deep dive into the Songs of Ascents, as sung by pilgrims on their way up to worship in Jerusalem, Eugene Peterson encourages us as we learn to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community and blessing.


In many areas of life we allow awe of God, the Creator of the Universe, to be replaced by awe of something created. This book opens our eyes to our awe-deficiency and its negative impacts on our relationship with God and others. We are all created by God as worshipers, the question is, what (or who) are we worshiping? This book helps reveal the answer. 

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The Fighter Verses App is an incredibly helpful tool for memorizing scripture either through a set plan or your own selection of verses. Interactive quizzes, verse memory review schedule, and even verses set to music make daily use of the app simple and impactful. It's a nominal cost compared to the value it offers in terms of delighting in and meditating on God's Word. Reviewing verses on a daily and weekly basis keeps us deeply rooted in God's Word and ensures we are storing up truth in our hearts.


"Will you pray for me?" "How can I pray for you?" Random paper slips with prayers tucked in various places doesn't often work for the long haul. Echo Prayer app is a central place to track prayers so that you actually pray. This free app offers customizable reminder schedules, a prayer timer, ability to share prayer requests, make notes, and mark prayers as answered. It's a digital prayer journal of sorts and quite the blessing as we walk alongside people in need of prayer, which is all of us.   


CCEF is a go to source for counseling resources. Their website is rich with topical books, articles, and podcasts to help us minster to one another. The Journal of Biblical Counseling is a great resource for those practicing counseling or simply looking to expand their knowledge. CCEF seeks to restore Christ to counseling and counseling to the church by equipping laypeople and professional counselors to serve sinners, sufferers, and saints; pointing them to Jesus and the Word of God with love and humility.

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Look at the Book is a resource offered by Desiring God. John Piper skillfully and pastorally walks through verses and passages of Scripture helping us to see the treasures that lie within. By visually illustrating connections, meanings, and context, Look at the Book equips you to better understand and more deeply love Scripture. 


BibleProject is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. They create videos, podcasts, and study guides that explore the Bible's unified story by focusing on its overarching themes and each book's literary design. They are committed to understanding the Bible in its historical context and communicating its wisdom for the modern world. Using Bible Project resources will change how you read and use the Bible!


In a distracted, fragmented, and hurried culture, Practicing the Way offers helpful resources for us to have meaningful lives with God. They seek to provide what Dallas Willard called a “curriculum for Christlikeness” – a clear path to being formed by Jesus in the modern era, rather than being counter-formed by a culture that skims near the surface. Their free resources help people learn how to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. They help communities integrate the practices and rhythms of Jesus and his earliest followers, creating space for the Holy Spirit to form us into people of depth and love.

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